Product Groups Description
Product Groups is a logical grouping of products that you want displayed and sold together on one page all sharing the same description or pictures, even pricing. Such as the example above of spa supplies in different sizes all at different prices and price breaks. They are all the same thing but have different prices, shipping requirements, weights, taxability, descriptions, etc.
- Full inventory tracked for each parent and children seperately
- Totally seperate item numbers and tracking for each item in the group
- Totally seperate pricing & pricing rules for each item in the group, even totally seperate quantity breaks and more.
- Totally seperate shipping weights, rules and restrictions for each item in the group
- Use 1 master description for all of the items in the group, and override certain other descriptions for each child item.
- Pictures on the parent item are also joined with all the child items' pictures to make 1 master set of pictures automatically.
- Keeps the parent-child relationship throughout the AmeriCommerce system for reference purposes on orders/reorders.
- Displays children items beneath their parent visually in the cart/order to help end users visualize the tie.
- Keeps search results simple and does not list thousands of child items, they all resolve to the parent
- Select and purchase multiple variations and quantities of the child items all at once, right from the single product page
This product page example is of a Product Groups of type "Parent is for Info Only"
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